Popular Books on Black Forest Clock Collecting
Below you will find links to some of my favorite books that have helped me in my pursuit of collecting and restoring Black Forest clocks. If you click on the photo of the book it will take you to a link as a suggested source of the books...Happy Reading!!
Black Forest clocks
by Rick Ortenburger
Over 600 Black Forest clocks are illustrated in this important horological study. Many wonderful cuckoo and singing bird clocks, early glass bell, trumpeter, Jockele, animation, and picture frame clocks all have been made in this region of Germany, where a growing number of skilled clockmakers have practiced their art for 300 years. This book, with its guide to current prices, has been welcomed by collectors around the world.
Black Forest clocks by E. John Tyler
The first full length work in English on Black Forest clocks - of interest and help to collectors, students of horology and dealers, including useful lists of Makers and Agencies in London museums with collections of Black Forest clocks; and a Bibliography. Describes not only their history and production methods but also provides a detailed description on how to dismantle, repair and restore a typical Black Forest clock.
Black Forest Clockmaker and the Cuckoo Clock
by Karl Kochmann
The reader will find examples of original Black Forest Clockmaking, the Black Forest Wood Clocks, clocks made during the European Industrail Revolution and mass-produced Cuckoo Clocks.

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Die Historische Uhrensammlung Furtwangen
by gebraucht kaufen
The book describes the Historic Collection watches (and early Black Forest clocks) of Furtwangen. Many illustrations supporting the very informative text in German. Note: very limited only used copies available.
The Black Forest
by gebraucht kaufen
The Black Forest Clocks in their old forms and especially the Lackschilduhr The author shows all these clocks and the time of bulk production. He describes the Black Forest not only in its historical, ethnographic and artistic nature, but he also goes exactly to the technique. The appendix contains a list of 22 museums, where Black Forest clocks are seen.
Schwarzwalduhren Sammeln, Restaurieren, Bewahren
by Heinrich Engelmann
This book is my favorite of all the books I own as it trully shows what the artisans of the Black Forest can produce. This book included a video of this amazing collection. In my opinion, It is by far the best Black Forest collection in the world. This book is a must have, due to the added bonus that you can see the clocks that are in the book in action!
Schwarzwalder Uhren: Black Forest Clocks
by Herbert Juttermann
The book describes the development of the Black Forest clock from the earliest types with wooden movements made by farmers to the present day. With numerous photographs, (many in color) and illustrations supporting the very informative text.
Black Forest Flute Watches
by Herbert Juttermann
Treasures from the early clock industry of the Black Forest, in historical and ethnological point of view and their technique. Discerning served the Black Forest musical clocks that originated mainly in the period from 1790 bis1840. Their melodies brighten our minds and their colorful signs, often equipped with movable figures, delight our eyes. They are certainly among the most beautiful Black Forest Clocks.
Black Forest Music Clocks
by Karl Kochmann
The book describes the Historic Collection watches (and early Black Forest clocks) of Furtwangen. Many illustrations supporting the very informative text in German. Note: very limited used copies available.
Rare & Unusual Black Forest Clocks
English-speaking horologists receive comprehensive information and insights that have heretofore been available only in German. The text provides much needed information on preeminent clockmakers Johann Baptist Beha and Emilian Wehrle, which place this among the best comprehensive single volumes ever produced in any language. This work also explains the various mechanisms and guides collectors and others trying to identify individual clocks by type, production era, and maker.
Figure Clocks From The Black Forest
by Herbert Juttermann
Early clock industry of the Black Forest, automa clocks that originated mainly in the period from 1790 bis1840. They are equipped with movable figures, which are a delight our eyes. They are certainly among the most odd of the Black Forest Clocks.
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